
Local events
Advances in Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry, Mass spectrometry with
spatial resolution: MALDI imaging and laser capture microscopy. 5th Symposium of the
Göttingen Proteomics Forum, November 22, 2012. Scientific lectures:
Marc Baumann - Imaging mass spectrometry:
Searching for the invisible, a new tool for disease
Isabelle Fournier - Protein identification in
MALDI MS imaging to unravel physiopathological processes.
Detlev Suckau - Beyond pretty images:
Biomarker identification strategies as follow up to imaging
based biomarker discovery.
Axel Walch - MALDI imaging mass sepctrometry
in tissue-based clinicopathological research .
Malcolm Clench - Examination of drug
distribution and response to treatment in skin and tumor samples
Andreas Pich - Brain tissue imaging to
investigate an animal model for the human Usher syndrome .
Theo Luider - Laser capture microscopy and
proteomics: Detection of proteins at the cellular level?
Per Andrén - MS imaging: Quantitation of
drugs, small molecules and neuropeptides directly in tissue
Ian Edwards - High definition MALDI MS
imaging: Full integration of the ion mobility dimension from
acquisition to visualization.